Hi everyone!!!
Oh my gosh... we haven't posted in a week!!!Who knows the last time that happened!?!
We've been crazy busy!
Between the Easter holiday weekend and business stuff going on we've been slammed...
...but that's a great thing!
This is a short post today but we wanted to keep you updated on a few things.
#1 In case you missed our Easter wishes on Facebook...
We hope everyone had a wonderful, blessed and yummy Easter weekend!
- From all of us at LD1 :)
(We thoroughly enjoyed the family time and eating!! Yumm!)
Don't ya just love this Easter Island pic? LOL

#2 on the list is...
Tonight at 9pm there will be a google hangout for "The Extreme Team" members. If you are a member you will get your reminder email and we will see you on the call!!!If you are not a member, you are more than welcome to come and "hangout" as a guest of ours. Just click here and refresh it at 9. Please let us know on FB that you joined us. :)
And last but not least...
We would like to welcome all the new people that we have on this blog and list. We look forward to meeting and chatting with you. If you're new, "like" us on Facebook so we can touch base and communicate team info easier. We're excited you've joined us and we're here to help so let us know how!Thank you to all the people who have "liked" us and our posts in the last week.
We're so amazed and we appreciate it very much!
You guys are a truly awesome bunch!!
See you/talk to you tonight!!
Google Hangout 9pm EST
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