Had to share this video with you all! Jackson has learned to ride his bike without training wheels! There is one thing about children...They have no fear, they are always willing to learn something new! We, as adults, need to remember this and let go of the fears that inhibit our lives! Remember this and you will go far! Fear can be a dangerous thing. (I believe Yoda said "Fear is the path to the darkside.") Will you join the darkside? LOL!
I am so blessed to be able to see each and every milestone that my child reaches! I am able to do this with the help of my loving husband and also the Empower Network!
Click on a banner on this page for more information about Empower or click here to watch Lawrence Tam and Dave Wood in his video that describes the business!
You can also jump right in by clicking on the CAB below! Love that pic!!!

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